
full of是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

full of

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1.充满 231.far from 遥远,很远 232.full of 充满 233.agree with sb. 同意某人意见 ...

2.装满 full name 全名 full of 装满 get back 返回,取回 ...

3.充满的 foreign language 外语 23. full of 充满的 go to work 去上班 3. ...

4.充满了 Drive into… 撞倒… Full of充满了… He can’t be… 他不可能… ...

5.富有 丰富 to enrich;rich;plentiful;abundant 富有 rich;full of 致富 to become rich ...

6.满有 [allay one's hunger] 吃东西解饿 [full of] 形容极多,到处都是 [fill with] 完全占满 ...


1.Both you and Gemini are so spontaneous and full of life that there is no time for either of you to become bored.你和双子都自发性强,充满活力,因此你俩在一起谁也不会感到厌倦。

2.The recoil of his gun knocked the hunter into the river; climbing out of the water, he found his clothes full of fish.枪的后坐力把猎人抛到河里,等他从水里爬了上来,发现浑身上下全都装满了鱼。

3.He opened the wooden box out of curiosity, and found very surprisingly it was full of his mother's old photos.受好奇心的驱使,他打开了这个木盒子,惊讶地发现全是他母亲的旧照片。

4.Democracy is a charming form of government, full of variety and disorder, and dispensing a sort of equality to equals and unequal alike.民主是政府迷人的外衣,充满了变化和无序,并且以相同的方式分配给地位平等或不等的人。

5.Winter of xiamen but felt less than a chill, see the beach is full of gulangyu is bare feet up in the sea legs paddle tourists.冬天的厦门却丝毫感觉不到一丝寒意,只见鼓浪屿的海滩上到处都是卷起裤管光着脚丫在海边戏水的游客。

6.Someone asked and the crowd was silent when Mr. Bailey came out, his hair full of dirty things and rubbish.有的人问。当贝利先生回来之后,人群全安静下来——他的头发上全是灰尘和垃圾。

7.The big kitchen was full of sunshine, and the door was open, but the only person there was Linton.大厨房里洒满了阳光,门是开着的,但只有林顿一个人在。

8.While we were waiting for the coffee, the head waiter came up to us bearing a large basket full of huge peaches.当我们在等咖啡的时候,那个领班侍者拎来满满一大蓝子特大的桃子。

9.Similarly, the door into a chic coffee shop, cup of coffee, relax and enjoy the bustling crowd, full of romantic atmosphere.同理,推门进入一家别致的咖啡馆,品一杯香醇的咖啡,悠然自得,欣赏着熙熙攘攘的人群,布满了浪漫的气息。

10.As a premier, Zhou En-lai is a man of high principles, while as an individual man, Zhou En-lai is full of personal appeal.作为总理的周恩来有着极强的原则性,而作为个人的周恩来又充满着独特的人格魅力。